To ask the Scottish Executive what its policy is in respect of the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA).
I have asked Tony Cameron, Chief Executive of the Scottish Prison Service to respond. His response is as follows:
In pursuit of our Vision, the Scottish Prison Service supports the aims of the ICPA which has the following objectives:
promoting, maintaining and strengthening co-operation between individuals, institutions, organisations and associations interested in corrections and criminal justice policies which affect corrections and prisons;
encouraging the involvement of victims, offenders' families, volunteer organisations and other elements of the community in finding helpful and workable solutions to correctional and criminal justice issues;
promoting best practices;
organising conferences, seminars and workshops;
being a centre for the dissemination of information and literature on activities and research;
promoting co-operation and collaborative initiatives between jurisdictions in areas of common interest;
encouraging and promoting research;
promoting staff exchanges and study visits between interested jurisdictions;
enhancing public education, understanding and involvement in correctional matters;
providing support for, collaborating with, and generally facilitating the work of bilateral and multilateral agencies providing technical assistance or training, and
promoting the study of correctional matters at a tertiary level of education.