To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to ensure that the mainstreaming of equality will continue throughout all departments.
The Scottish Governmentis continuing to take a number of steps to ensure that the mainstreaming of equalityis undertaken systematically across policy areas, these include:
Continuing to implementthe public sector equality duties, as both an employer and in terms of our policyand delivery work (the government’s Race, Disability and Gender Equality Schemesset out our commitments to mainstreaming equality and are available on the Government’swebsite).
Continuing to promotethe government’s Equality Impact Assessment Tool (EQIA), which was launched in December2006. The tool is available to all staff via the intranet, and completed impactassessments will be published on the government’s website. We are conducting EQIAsacross six strands (gender, race, disability, sexual orientation, age and faith)across all relevant policy areas (new policies and reviews of existing policies).We are also providing regular “drop in EQIA surgeries” for staff regarding how tobest take forward EQIA effectively for different policy areas.
Continuing to collect,analyse, disaggregate and disseminate analytical data (social research and statistics);provide focussed analytical support for the EQIA process; providing written andoral briefing across policy areas, and providing guidance and practical supportto policy makers and analysts (for example, in March 2007 the Scottish Governmentpublished A Gender Audit of Statistics, which is available on the Executive’swebsite and we are currently reviewing the guidance provided to bill teams and alsoworking to embed equalities in the business planning process).
Continuing to supportthe work of Equality Proofing the Budget and Policy Advisory Group and the Equalityin Audit and Inspection Working Group.
Continuing to takeforward the Scottish Government’s Diversity Strategy, “Positive about You” whichwas launched in November 2000 and reviewed and re-launched in December 2004. Therevised Strategy has a focus on the mainstreaming of diversity across the organisationand aims to consolidate the substantial progress that has been made so far.
The Scottish Governmentalso published its Departmental Diversity Delivery Plan, in July 2006. Thissupports the wider Cabinet Office initiative, Delivering a Diverse CivilService - a Ten Point Plan. The plan sets out how we plan to change the cultureof our organisation and reap the benefits that having a diverse organisation brings.Its progress is overseen by its Diversity Forum: a group of key diversity policyleads from across UK Government and is chaired by its Diversity Champion. It alsois monitored by the Cabinet Office Diversity Champions’ Network.
Continuing to engagewith our external stakeholders to harness their expertise and support in promotingand embedding mainstreaming equality across policy and practice.