To ask the Scottish Executive what measures it plans to implement to improve energy efficiency before the passage of the Climate Change (Scotland) Bill.
The Scottish Government is making important progress in improving energy efficiency. Measures that are currently being implemented include:
The introduction of a new requirement, from 1 December 2008, for all houses put on sale to require a Home Report “ including an EPC and Energy Report with recommendations on how to improve the energy efficiency.
Announcement of proposals for the first stage of an ambitious area based home insulation scheme supported by £15 million of new government funding plus £15 million from other sources. The scheme is currently being developed and is expected to be launched in the autumn.
A commitment to bring forward proposals for a significant loan mechanism. This will assist householders wishing to undertake more expensive measures, such as solid wall insulation and installing renewable technologies.
A new Energy Assistance package [which commences 6 April 2009] will do more to help rural households by including a wider range of measures which will benefit rural homes including air source heat pumps for those off the gas grid and a wider range of insulation measures for homes which cannot take traditional measures such as cavity wall insulation. To ensure that these more expensive measures can be installed the grant maximum has been raised by £500 to £4,000 and the upper grant has been raised by £1,000 to £6,500 for homes which have particularly poor energy efficiency.
The Energy Assistance Package will be backed by Scottish Government funding worth around £60 million per annum “ 30% more than the original fuel poverty budget and will help to lever in additional CERT funding from the energy companies worth up to £100 million. The package will be delivered through the successful Energy Saving Scotland Advice network co-ordinated by the Energy Saving Trust.
Working with energy suppliers, through the Scottish CERT Strategy Steering Group, to ensure that Scotland receives its fair share of CERT activity not only in terms of population, but also to meet our distinctive energy needs.
Funding the Carbon Trust to support larger, energy intensive businesses and public sector bodies, to reduce their energy use. Through the Energy Saving Scotland advice network, Energy Saving Trust deliver sustainability living advice to consumers and small and medium-sized enterprises.