To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will provide details of (a) the structure, broken down by (i) directorate or department and (ii) senior staff, and (b) remuneration levels for (i) senior staff and (ii) board members of Scottish Development International.
Scottish Development International is headed by its interim CEO, David Smith and consists of the following directorates: Scotland Europa; Group Services; Trade and Investment Scotland; Trade and Investment Americas; Trade and Investment Europe, Middle East and Africa; Trade and Investment Asia/Pacific and Sales, Marketing and Development.
SDI''s senior staff is at director and senior director level for Scottish Enterprise employees and C2 level for Scottish Government employees. The salary band for a director is £41,230 - £53,260 and the salary band for a senior director is £50,550 - £61,550. The C2 salary band is £48,544 - £62,493. The salary band for the CEO is £62,390 - £101,410. We are unable to provide any more detail due to data protection restrictions.
SDI is overseen by a management board consisting of the Chief Executive of Scottish Enterprise, Lena Wilson, whose salary to 31 March 2009 was £176,000; the Director General Economy and Chief Economic Adviser at the Scottish Government, Andrew Goudie, whose salary is £135,000 - 140,000 and the Chief Executive of Highlands and Islands Enterprise, whose salary in 2009 was £100,858.