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Chamber and committees

Questions and answers

Parliamentary questions can be asked by any MSP to the Scottish Government or the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. The questions provide a means for MSPs to get factual and statistical information.

  • Written questions must be answered within 10 working days (20 working days during recess)
  • Other questions such as Topical, Portfolio, General and First Minister's Question Times are taken in the Chamber

Urgent Questions aren't included in the Question and Answers search.  There is a SPICe fact sheet listing Urgent and emergency questions.

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 3 September 2024
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Displaying 2195 questions Show Answers


Question reference: S5W-30754

  • Asked by: Rhoda Grant, MSP for Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 16 July 2020
  • Current Status: Answered by Jeane Freeman on 6 August 2020

To ask the Scottish Government whether it will make the arrangements to provide PPE to care homes and other care providers through National Services Scotland permanent.

Question reference: S5W-30752

  • Asked by: Rhoda Grant, MSP for Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 16 July 2020
  • Current Status: Answered by Jeane Freeman on 6 August 2020

To ask the Scottish Government whether it has established a national rapid reaction group for care homes; if so, who is on the group; who chairs it; who it reports to, and what decisions it has made to date.

Question reference: S5W-30655

  • Asked by: Rhoda Grant, MSP for Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Monday, 13 July 2020
  • Current Status: Answered by Joe FitzPatrick on 5 August 2020

To ask the Scottish Government what advice and guidance regarding ensuring that workplaces are clear from Legionnaires' disease it is providing to businesses that are re-opening following the lockdown.

Question reference: S5W-30751

  • Asked by: Rhoda Grant, MSP for Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 16 July 2020
  • Current Status: Answered by Jeane Freeman on 31 July 2020

To ask the Scottish Government what additional resources it has given to the Care Inspectorate, and when it will be able to restart inspections.

Question reference: S5W-30378

  • Asked by: Rhoda Grant, MSP for Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Wednesday, 01 July 2020
  • Current Status: Answered by Shirley-Anne Somerville on 17 July 2020

To ask the Scottish Government how it uses (a) the Best Start Grant, (b) the School Clothing Grant, (c) Child Payment and (d) other mechanisms to boost the incomes of families living in poverty.

Question reference: S5W-29118

  • Asked by: Rhoda Grant, MSP for Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Monday, 18 May 2020
  • Current Status: Answered by Jeane Freeman on 16 July 2020

To ask the Scottish Government whether it will review the policy of only allowing family members from the same household to carry out an end of life visit in situations where there is adequate PPE to protect all close relatives regardless of whether they live together.

Question reference: S5W-30379

  • Asked by: Rhoda Grant, MSP for Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Wednesday, 01 July 2020
  • Current Status: Answered by John Swinney on 13 July 2020

To ask the Scottish Government what plans it has to encourage local authorities to support families who require free school meals by providing cash payments rather than arrangements such as vouchers or meals.

Question reference: S5W-30236

  • Current Status: Withdrawn

Question reference: S5W-30237

  • Current Status: Withdrawn

Question reference: S5W-30235

  • Current Status: Withdrawn