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Questions and answers

Parliamentary questions can be asked by any MSP to the Scottish Government or the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. The questions provide a means for MSPs to get factual and statistical information.

  • Written questions must be answered within 10 working days (20 working days during recess)
  • Other questions such as Topical, Portfolio, General and First Minister's Question Times are taken in the Chamber

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 1 September 2024
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Question reference: S3W-07512

  • Asked by: Rhoda Grant, MSP for Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Wednesday, 05 December 2007
  • Current Status: Answered by Stewart Maxwell on 14 December 2007

To ask the Scottish Executive what action it is taking to address housing shortages in rural areas.

Question reference: S3W-07102

  • Asked by: Rhoda Grant, MSP for Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Wednesday, 28 November 2007
  • Current Status: Answered by Stewart Maxwell on 13 December 2007

To ask the Scottish Executive what measures it has put in place to ensure that women’s aid services are safeguarded in the current spending review period and beyond.

Question reference: S3W-07195

  • Asked by: Rhoda Grant, MSP for Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 29 November 2007
  • Current Status: Answered by Kenny MacAskill on 12 December 2007

To ask the Scottish Executive how it will ensure that those guilty of committing acts of domestic violence are properly punished.

Question reference: S3W-07196

  • Asked by: Rhoda Grant, MSP for Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 29 November 2007
  • Current Status: Answered by Stewart Maxwell on 10 December 2007

To ask the Scottish Executive whether it believes that the Protection from Abuse (Scotland) Act 2001 is effective in dealing with incidents of domestic violence involving an ex-spouse or ex-partner, in light of the increase in the number of domestic abuse incidents since 1999-2000 from 29% to 34%.

Question reference: S3W-07194

  • Asked by: Rhoda Grant, MSP for Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 29 November 2007
  • Current Status: Answered by Stewart Maxwell on 10 December 2007

To ask the Scottish Executive what the real-terms increase in funding for violence against women and domestic abuse will be in (a) 2007-08, (b) 2008-09, (c) 2009-10 and (d) 2010-11.

Question reference: S3W-07191

  • Asked by: Rhoda Grant, MSP for Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 29 November 2007
  • Current Status: Answered by Stewart Maxwell on 10 December 2007

To ask the Scottish Executive how it intends to address the increase in reported domestic abuse incidents in light of the recently published statistics which show a 7% increase from 45,812 in 2005-06 to 48,801 in 2006-07.

Question reference: S3W-07193

  • Asked by: Rhoda Grant, MSP for Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 29 November 2007
  • Current Status: Answered by Stewart Maxwell on 10 December 2007

To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it will take to encourage more victims of domestic violence to report incidents.

Question reference: S3W-07198

  • Asked by: Rhoda Grant, MSP for Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 29 November 2007
  • Current Status: Answered by Stewart Maxwell on 10 December 2007

To ask the Scottish Executive how it intends to build 30,000 affordable homes over the next three years, as set out in the SNP manifesto, in light of the reduction in the affordable housing budget by 6% in real terms next year.

Question reference: S3W-07192

  • Asked by: Rhoda Grant, MSP for Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 29 November 2007
  • Current Status: Answered by Stewart Maxwell on 10 December 2007

To ask the Scottish Executive whether it intends to run the “Domestic Abuse: There is no excuse” campaign over the Christmas and New Year period to raise awareness of domestic violence and its consequences.

Question reference: S3W-07197

  • Asked by: Rhoda Grant, MSP for Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 29 November 2007
  • Current Status: Answered by Stewart Maxwell on 10 December 2007

To ask the Scottish Executive how it plans to address the affordable housing shortage, in light of it no longer ring-fencing local authority funding specifically for this purpose.