To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will publish targets on the reduction of child poverty.
The Scottish Governmentis absolutely committed to improving the life chances of all Scots and tacklingthe poverty and disadvantage which far too many Scots suffer.
We are committed tosharing the UK Government’s long-term target to eradicate child poverty by 2020.We are aware that poverty is about more than a lack of decent income. It is alsoabout ill health, educational achievement, access to services, and maximising opportunitiesin the labour market for parents. Policies across the Scottish Government are workingon all these areas and we will continue to work to maximise the impact these haveand ensure they are effectively joined-up at national and local level.
We are currently reviewingexisting policy commitments in this area and will make clear what our prioritiesare in the coming months. However, by developing policies that reflect our overarchingstrategic principles of making Scotland a Wealthier and Fairer, Healthier, Safer,Smarter and Greener nation, we will be taking meaningful steps towards tacklingchild poverty.