To ask the Scottish Executive how much it has invested in sport in each of the last five years and, of this, how much was targeted towards children and young people.
All Scottish Executive fundingfor sport is channelled through
sportscotland, the national agency for sportin Scotland. Over the past five years
sportscotland has investedExchequer and National Lottery monies directly in sport. The total investment isset out in the following table:
| 2000-01 | 2001-02 | 2002-03 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 |
Total Investment in Sport (£) | 32,224,000 | 29,771,916 | 27,172,821 | 37,658,793 | 39,782,943 |
The information contained inthis table is drawn from sportscotland’s annual reports. The figures presentedinclude investment direct to the Scottish Sports Governing Bodies, as well as otherdirect investments in sporting programmes. These figures include funding that wentto “multi-sports” such as the Active Schools Network, sport and community facilitiesand investment in National Centres.
Much of the investment in sportwill have indirect benefits for children and young people, for example investmentin coaching, but it is not possible to identify these accurately and provide detailsof the exact investment.
However, the following tableshows direct investment in sporting programmes solely targeted at, and deliveredto, children and young people. This list is not indicative of the total investmentin sport for children and young people.
| 2000-01 | 2001-02 | 2002-03 | 2003-04 | 2004-05 |
Active Schools | - | - | - | 9,200,000 | 13,900,000 |
School Sports Co-ordinators | 550,739 | 796,204 | 2,510,635 | 2,222,994 | - |
TOP* | 1,240,250 | 1,556,460 | 160,533 | 101,127 | 47,120 |
Junior Groups Programme | 944,939 | 1,299,431 | 1,421,551 | 1,002,679 | - |
Note: *The TOP programme is aimed at assistingScotland’s primary schools and community organisations to support children in increasingtheir physical activity and skill levels and to encourage their involvement in sport.
The TOP programmes (TOP Play and TOP Sport) are delivered by the YouthSports Trust. They involve the deployment of resource cards and sports equipmentsuitable for primary schools, supported by a training package for primary teachersand community deliverers.
TOP Play is aimed at children aged from four to nine years and TOPSport is focused on ages seven to 11.