To ask the Scottish Executive what measures it will take to reduce the (a) part-time and (b) full-time gender pay gap.
As required by theGender Equality Duty, which came into force in April 2007, the government has publishedits Gender Equality Scheme, setting out the government’s high-level objectives fordelivering on gender equality. These include an objective to continue our actionto close the gender pay gap (both part-time and full-time) in Scotland by workingin partnership - with the Equal Opportunities Commission Scotland, Scottish TradesUnion Congress, Scottish Enterprise and others - in the
Close the Gap project.
Close the Gap raises awareness about the gender pay gap and its various causes,and encourages action by employees and employers to tackle the causes and closethe gap.
Two other high-level objectives set out in the GenderEquality Scheme address main contributors to the gender pay gap, namely occupationalsegregation and pregnancy discrimination. In 2006 the government set up a Cross-DirectorateWorking Group to explore ways of tackling occupational segregation, and in 2008the group will produce its report, mapping out the range of factors involved andmaking recommendations for policy interventions that will help deliver change.
The government’s Gender Equality Scheme is available fromthe Scottish Parliament Information Centre (Bib. number 42934).
The Scottish Government will continue to act to eliminate gender discrimination andcontinue to provide support toimprove the availability of childcare across Scotland, both of which are important elements in addressing the pay gap.
The government hasalso been working with stakeholders to raise awareness about the Gender EqualityDuty and the opportunity for women (and men) to contribute to the development ofpublic sector policy, including on issues of pay.