To ask the Scottish Executive how many more accessible properties are required across Scotland according to the Scottish House Condition Survey.
The number of further, accessible households required can only be answered indirectly by the data in the Scottish House Condition Survey (SHCS). The SHCS is a sample survey and therefore all figures are estimates rather than precise counts.
We estimate that there are 436,000 dwellings which have hardstanding of suitable width and step-free access for wheelchair users in Scotland. For all dwellings to be accessible in this way there are a further 1,879,000 dwellings which need to be adapted.
The SHCS found, in 2005-06, that there were 421,000 households with at least one person who has a mobility or physical impairment.
Ninety thousand of these households have access with hardstanding of suitable width and step-free access for wheelchair users; in 70,000 of these households their dwellings do not need further adaptation for them to get around their dwellings; the remaining 20,000 households do need some further adaptation to their dwelling in order to get around it.
Of the remaining 331,000 households, none of which have suitable access for wheelchair users, 229,000 households need no further adaptation to their dwelling to get around the dwelling, but 102,000 households do need further adaptation to get around their dwelling.