To ask the Scottish Executive what the average household incomes have been in each year since 1999, also broken down by parliamentary constituency.
The following income estimatesare based on the Family Resources Survey. As such, year-on-year changes should betreated with caution due to sampling variation. Identification of trends must bebased on data for several years. The Scottish Executive has funded a doubling of the Scottish sample since 2002-03; estimates from 2002-03 should be less prone tofluctuation than those for earlier years.
Estimates are only availableat Scotland level.
Table:Median Equivalised Net-Disposable Household Income in Scotland, 2000-01to 2004-05
| Scotland’s Median (£ Per Week) |
Before Housing Costs | After Housing Costs |
2000-01 | 310 | 266 |
2001-02 | 326 | 280 |
2002-03 | 331 | 291 |
2003-04 | 346 | 310 |
2004-05 | 349 | 313 |
Source:Households Below Average Income, DWP.
“Equivalised” income is usedto allow comparisons of living standards between different household types.
Net disposable household income:Total income from all sources (including Tax Credits) after deductions for incometax, National Insurance contributions, council tax, pension contributions and maintenancepayments.
Housing costs: Rent/mortgagepayments, water charges, structural insurance premiums, ground rent and servicecharges.