To ask the Scottish Executive when it will make an announcement on the outcome of the consultation on independent scrutiny.
The report of the outcome of the independent scrutiny consultation is now available at: and copies are available in the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (Bib. number 45609).
You will note from the report that the majority of respondents indicated that:
independent scrutiny was a positive step forward which would improve public confidence in relation to major service changes;
the consultation paper''s preferred model of independent scrutiny, the expert panel, was seen as the best option - the strength of the scrutiny panel approach being the independence and skill mix of the panel members;
the role of the panel should be to assess the safety, sustainability, evidence base and value for money of proposals for major service change, and
the panel should assess the evidence and options during the process of public engagement prior to consultation and provide a commentary on these that would be available to the board and ministers in reaching decisions.
I would also like to take this opportunity to reiterate some of the other key messages from my opening address at the parliamentary debate on this subject. Specifically, that:
independent scrutiny will only be applied to cases of major service change and only where the benefits outweigh the costs. This will be judged on a case-by-case basis by ministers but the bar will be set high;
independent scrutiny will take place early in the process and will help to ensure that there is an agreed evidence base for the subsequent decision-making process, including option appraisal. Should issues relating to the evidence emerge later, it would be possible to reconvene the panel, and
there is a delineation between the current role of the Scottish Health Council (assessing NHS board process of engagement) and the role of independent scrutiny panels (scrutinising the evidence and options for change).