To ask the Scottish Executive how ex-service personnel are supported in the prison estate.
I have asked Willie Pretswell, Interim Chief Executive of the Scottish Prison Service, to respond. His response is as follows:
There are a wide variety of support services available to ex-service personnel within prison. In addition to the full range of services which are available to the general prison population (e.g. employability, housing, other community based services and financial help), in-reach general welfare support services are available from veterans agencies. These in-reach services have been available for some time and are currently being re-invigorated.
Health and mental health interventions offered by SPS always follow an individualised assessment of need. In the case of ex-service personnel, this will include, where assessed as necessary, the intervention of forensic psychologists and mental health nurses to deliver cognitive behavioural clinical interventions to those diagnosed as suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.