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All Official Reports of meetings in the Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament.
All Official Reports of public meetings of committees.
Displaying 5054 contributions
Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee
Meeting date: 1 December 2021
Finlay Carson
Rachel Shucksmith, you have a successful marine planning area, which might be because it is a relatively compact area. Should there be legislation to ensure that all stakeholders get round the table? We heard that some coastal communities were not involved in the inshore fisheries groups and so on. Should we see more of such involvement? The arguments over scallop dredging, creel static gear and so on are very polarised at the moment. Would it help if policies were put in place so that everybody came together?
Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee
Meeting date: 1 December 2021
Finlay Carson
I thank all the witnesses for their introductions. Members will ask questions until about 10.30, and I will kick off. We have heard about individual area-based projects and about wider research. Does current policy support innovation and the mainstreaming of your research findings? What structural changes to policy are needed to support new and on-going projects that will achieve the outcomes that we need to reverse biodiversity loss? I will go round everybody for answers.
Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee
Meeting date: 1 December 2021
Finlay Carson
You are making some very broad statements that such law breaking appears to be widespread. I would challenge that, as that is not what we have heard in previous evidence sessions. You have suggested that “much of the seabed” is destroyed. You are not quantifying that, and you are again making a very broad statement. We heard from marine scientists from the University of Aberdeen, who suggested that that was not necessarily the case. There were some isolated incidents of damage to the sea bed, but it was not “much of the seabed”. Can you comment on what you mean by “much of the seabed”?
Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee
Meeting date: 1 December 2021
Finlay Carson
I read a report from back in 2016 that suggested that the number of entanglements of humpback whales in inshore Scottish waters was of a proportion that would mean that the species was unsustainable, and that Scottish inshore waters could act as a high mortality sink for the species in the north-east Atlantic.
Given that we are in 2021 and that there has been a substantial increase in fixed lines, creels or whatever, which have generally been unregulated, do we need to act now to regulate the industry? Do we need to push forward with policies that will help creel fishermen ensure that entanglements happen far less frequently than they happen just now, particularly given the underreporting that you have suggested?
Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee
Meeting date: 1 December 2021
Finlay Carson
Perhaps Dr Rennie can kick off with that question.
Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee
Meeting date: 1 December 2021
Finlay Carson
We can come back to you. We will write to you for further information. We will not put you on the spot now—I know how difficult acronyms can be.
Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee
Meeting date: 1 December 2021
Finlay Carson
I welcome our second panel of witnesses, with whom we will discuss the role of the Scottish public agencies on nature and the environment. They are Terry A’Hearn, chief executive of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency; Grant Moir, chief executive officer of the Cairngorms National Park Authority; Graham Neville, the area manager for northern isles and north Highland at NatureScot; David Signorini, the chief executive of Scottish Forestry; and Andy Wells, investment and sales programme director at Crown Estate Scotland.
I invite each of the witnesses to make a brief opening statement.
Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee
Meeting date: 1 December 2021
Finlay Carson
On the topic of enforcement, it has been suggested that SEPA has gone a bit soft and that it has lost its teeth. I am thinking, for example, of the flaring at Grangemouth. I know that there is an argument for taking a carrot-and-stick approach, but when we hear that leakages of sewage from Scotland’s water system have risen by 40 per cent, I have to wonder whether you have lost your stick and whether there is too much working with companies and not enough enforcement. Is that a valid claim that could be laid at your door, Terry?
Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee
Meeting date: 1 December 2021
Finlay Carson
Thank you. I ask Grant Moir to answer those questions.
Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee
Meeting date: 1 December 2021
Finlay Carson
Agenda item 2 is consideration of two notifications from the Scottish ministers for consent to two UK statutory instruments. I refer members to papers 3 and 4 and to page 17 onwards in our pack of papers.
Under the protocol between the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish Government, the consent notifications have been categorised as type 1, which means that the Scottish Parliament’s agreement is sought before the Scottish Government gives consent to the UK Government making secondary legislation in areas of devolved competence.
Do members have any comments on the consent notification for the Sea Fisheries (Amendment etc) (No 2) Regulations 2021?