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Official Report: search what was said in Parliament

The Official Report is a written record of public meetings of the Parliament and committees.  

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Dates of parliamentary sessions
  1. Session 1: 12 May 1999 to 31 March 2003
  2. Session 2: 7 May 2003 to 2 April 2007
  3. Session 3: 9 May 2007 to 22 March 2011
  4. Session 4: 11 May 2011 to 23 March 2016
  5. Session 5: 12 May 2016 to 5 May 2021
  6. Current session: 12 May 2021 to 21 October 2024
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Displaying 585 contributions


Meeting of the Parliament (Hybrid)

First Minister’s Question Time

Meeting date: 21 April 2022

Mercedes Villalba

To ask the First Minister what action the Scottish Government is taking to bring down the cost to tenants of private rent in the coming year. (S6F-01011)

Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee

Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 20 April 2022

Mercedes Villalba

Does the Scottish Government think that having a vote more regularly than every five years would improve transparency and accountability? It sounds as though you would support more frequent voting.

Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee

End Greyhound Racing in Scotland (PE1758)

Meeting date: 20 April 2022

Mercedes Villalba

Thank you very much for coming to speak to us today.

Gill Docherty explained that the Thornton track is unregulated but is licensed by Fife Council. I have a follow-up to Alasdair Allan’s question. I assume that, if Fife Council revoked that licence, the track would have to close. Has your organisation written to Fife Council to request that it revoke the licence or that it attach a condition to the licence requiring the track to be regulated? If you have done that, have you had a response?

Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee

End Greyhound Racing in Scotland (PE1758)

Meeting date: 20 April 2022

Mercedes Villalba

I am not sure whether Mark Ruskell wants to come back in. I do not know whether I am allowed to ask you questions, actually. Sorry.

Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee

End Greyhound Racing in Scotland (PE1758)

Meeting date: 20 April 2022

Mercedes Villalba

Can we write to Fife Council? I do not know whether we can ask it to attach conditions to the licensing or to explore or look into the issue. I am not sure how it works, but it seems that, if a licence has been granted to an unregulated track, there is scope to add conditions to it.

Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee

Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 20 April 2022

Mercedes Villalba

Good morning, and thank you for coming.

What is the Scottish Government’s understanding of how the UK Government reached the decision to require the board to hold a regular vote at least once every five years and not more frequently than that?

Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee

Subordinate Legislation

Meeting date: 20 April 2022

Mercedes Villalba

If levy payers reject the board’s proposals on how the levy will be spent, how can the levy payers influence the proposals? Can they make counter proposals? What is the process?

Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee

End Greyhound Racing in Scotland (PE1758)

Meeting date: 20 April 2022

Mercedes Villalba

Thanks. That is helpful.

Meeting of the Parliament (Hybrid)

Portfolio Question Time

Meeting date: 20 April 2022

Mercedes Villalba

It is clear from the trials that a four-day working week benefits workers and businesses, with a better work-life balance and greater productivity. The Scottish Government has the power to introduce a four-day week in the public sector, so can the minister confirm when the Government will expand four-day working week trials in the public sector and whether workers in non-unionised workplaces, such as many of those in the hospitality sector, will be covered by future trials?

Meeting of the Parliament (Hybrid)


Meeting date: 20 April 2022

Mercedes Villalba

It was right that Ferguson Marine was brought into public ownership, because its closure would have led to the loss of hundreds of skilled jobs and further weakened Scotland’s industrial base. However, although public ownership is welcome, the Scottish Government’s mismanagement of Ferguson Marine is not.

The Government could have used public ownership of the company to drive the development of a national ferry procurement and building programme. It could have worked with trade unions and workers to transform Ferguson Marine into a vital publicly owned industrial asset. Instead, the Scottish Government has mismanaged Ferguson Marine, leaving us with continuing delays, secrecy about procurement and a lack of a long-term vision for the company.

We remain in a position where neither of the two vessels has been delivered. Their construction has been subject to repeated delays, while costs continue to increase as parts degrade, redesigns take place and items fall out of warranty. The Scottish Government’s ownership of Ferguson Marine has exacerbated those delays due to poor planning and ineffective management. However, we should reflect on the fact that it is the communities that rely on ferry services who are truly bearing the brunt of the delay. We need the Scottish Government to take urgent action to ensure that the two vessels are delivered without further delay.

The Scottish Government also has questions to answer over procurement decisions relating to Ferguson Marine. Audit Scotland’s report highlights that ministers awarded a contract to a builder that could not meet the basic contract guarantees. Ministers also signed up to a contract that committed public funds without public accountability. Warnings from Transport Scotland and CMAL to retender the contract were ignored, with ministers pressing on at a cost to the public of £250 million.

Despite their commitment to open government, ministers have failed to make public all the information relating to their decisions on that contract. That is why Labour is calling for a public inquiry into the failings in the procurement of the contract.

The experience of Ferguson Marine emphasises the need for a long-term strategy for Scotland’s shipbuilding industry. In March, Audit Scotland called for Transport Scotland to finalise the long-term plan and investment programme for ferries by the end of this year. The Scottish Government must ensure that trade unions and workers are able to input into that process so that what emerges is a truly national ferry procurement and building programme.

We must also begin to think about the long-term governance of our ferry network. The Scottish Tories have called for CMAL to be privatised but that is the wrong approach. Labour wants a new governance framework to be established—one that prioritises the needs of passengers and communities who rely on the ferry network. We need a long-term vision for Scotland’s ferry services and I look forward to tomorrow’s members’ business debate, led by Katy Clark, on that subject.

Ferguson Marine must remain publicly owned but must also receive continuing investment, because the alternative is stark. A failure to invest in Ferguson Marine will cost vital shipbuilding jobs and skills in Scotland. That would be an act of industrial vandalism that the Parliament cannot allow to happen.
