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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Chamber and committees

Plenary, 16 Jun 1999

Meeting date: Wednesday, June 16, 1999


Business Motion

The Presiding Officer (Sir David Steel):

The first item of business this morning is the consideration of a business motion from the Parliamentary Bureau, setting out a revised business programme. As there is no amendment to this motion, the debate will be restricted to 10 minutes, with one speaker for the motion and one against. Before Tom McCabe moves the motion, will anyone who wishes to speak against the motion please press the request button now.

Dennis Canavan (Falkirk West):

On a point of order, Mr Presiding Officer. Last Wednesday, the Parliament decided unanimously to meet today at

2.30 pm. Since then, the Parliamentary Bureau seems to have changed that decision so that we meet at 9.30 am. I have no objection in principle to meeting in the morning, provided that we are given adequate notice. The business bureau seems to keep chopping and changing the agenda and the timetable, and I wonder if you could use your good offices to ensure that all of us, including those of us who are not represented on the mystical business bureau, are informed officially and punctually about any changes to the agenda and the timetable. The Presiding Officer: I remember that you raised the same point of order last week. In fairness, I must point out that, when the business motion was moved last week, notice was given that this change would be made—those who were present in the chamber heard that announcement. We are still trying to accommodate business; for example, there was a general wish to have a debate on Holyrood, and it was made clear last week that the Parliament would meet this morning.

The Minister for Parliament (Mr Tom McCabe):

The motion before the Parliament today is in recognition of the need to allow members the opportunity to express a view on their Parliament. I explained when I moved the business motion last week that I would come forward on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau with an amendment to the business programme proposed for this week.

I will say a few words tomorrow on some of the changes about which Mr Canavan has expressed concern and on some of the reasons for those changes. I am here on behalf of the Parliamentary

Bureau—it is unfortunate to hear it described as mythical.

Mystical. [Laughter.]

Mr McCabe:

There is nothing mystical about it. You made the point yourself, Mr Presiding Officer, that the chamber was informed last week of the changes that would be proposed this morning.

I can confirm that it has been agreed, subject to the Parliament agreeing to the motion, that the business for the remainder of this week will be as follows. Today, the First Minister will make a statement on the Executive's legislative proposals and priorities. The remainder of today's business will be a debate on that statement. On conclusion of the debate, there will be a debate on the subject of David Mundell's motion on employment in Dumfries and Galloway.

Tomorrow's business will commence at 10.30 am with a debate on the First Minister's motion on the Holyrood project. That will be followed, before lunchtime, by the business motion setting out the business for the next two weeks. The business for tomorrow afternoon will be as set out in the motion agreed to by the Parliament last week. At 2.30 pm, we will have oral questions, followed by a debate on the Deputy First Minister's motion on tuition fees. The Parliament will also be asked to agree to a motion setting out the membership of committees and the party from which the convener of each committee should be appointed.

I move,

That the Parliament agrees the following amendment to the Business Motion agreed by the Parliament on 9 June—

Wednesday 16 June 1999

9.30 am Business Motion followed by Statement by the First Minister and debate on the Executive's legislative proposals

2.30 pm Continuation of debate on proposed legislative programme 5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members' Business

Debate on the subject of motion S1M-42 in the name of David Mundell

Thursday 17 June 1999

10.30 am Debate on Holyrood Project 12.20 pm Business Motion The remaining business is as set out in the Business Motion of 9 June.

No one has indicated a wish to speak against the motion, so I will put the question. The question is, that motion S1M-50, in the name of Mr Tom McCabe, be agreed to.

Motion agreed to.