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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Chamber and committees

Plenary, 01 Oct 2003

Meeting date: Wednesday, October 1, 2003


Parliamentary Bureau Motions

The next item of business is consideration of seven Parliamentary Bureau motions. The first four motions, S2M-428 to S2M-431, relate to the designation of lead committees.

Motions moved,

That the Parliament agrees that the Justice 1 Committee be designated as lead committee in consideration of the draft Victim Statements (Prescribed Courts) (Scotland) Order 2003.

That the Parliament agrees that the Justice 1 Committee be designated as lead committee in consideration of the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2003 (Transitional Provisions) Order 2003 (SSI 2003/438).

That the Parliament agrees that the Justice 1 Committee be designated as lead committee in consideration of the Victims' Rights (Prescribed Bodies) (Scotland) Order 2003 (SSI 2003/440).

That the Parliament agrees that the Justice 1 Committee be designated as lead committee in consideration of the Victim Statements (Prescribed Offences) (Scotland) Order 2003 (SSI 2003/441).—[Patricia Ferguson.]

The question on those motions will be put at decision time.

The next three Parliamentary Bureau motions, S2M-432 to S2M-434, relate to approval of Scottish statutory instruments.

Motions moved,

That the Parliament agrees that the Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.9) (Scotland) Order 2003 (SSI 2003/409) be approved.

That the Parliament agrees that the Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (West Coast) (No.10) (Scotland) Order 2003 (SSI 2003/410) be approved.

That the Parliament agrees that the Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (Orkney) (No.3) (Scotland) Order 2003 (SSI 2003/429) be approved.—[Patricia Ferguson.]

The question on those motions will also be put at decision time.