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Chamber and committees

Education Committee, 13 Sep 2006

Meeting date: Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Early Years Inquiry

The Convener:

The Executive has published its response to our inquiry. The day after it did so, it published the long-awaited strategic review of the workforce. We are seeking a debate in the chamber on this matter. Our request will go to the Conveners Group next week. As I will be in Brighton at the time, I will ask Lord James Douglas-Hamilton to attend on my behalf.

I will certainly do so.

The Convener:

I am confident that we will be able to have a debate on this subject either this year or early next year. Therefore, I suggest that, at this stage, we simply note the Executive's response. Obviously, if we do not get a debate, we can return to the subject in the committee. Do we agree to note the response?

Members indicated agreement.

The Convener:

Previously, we discussed holding a reception for early years stakeholders the evening before the committee debate. As we do not yet know whether we will be able to have that debate, we cannot seek the committee's approval of the detail of the arrangements. However, do we agree that the clerks and I should make the necessary bids to the Conveners Group and work out the logistical arrangements for such an event, once we know what the date of the debate will be?

Members indicated agreement.

I welcome Fiona Hyslop to the meeting.

That concludes today's public business. We will move into private session to deal with the final item on the agenda, which I am sure that all members have been looking forward to.

Meeting continued in private until 12:15.