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Language: English / GĂ idhlig

Chamber and committees

Education Committee, 13 Sep 2006

Meeting date: Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Item in Private

The Convener (Iain Smith):

Good morning, colleagues, and welcome back. I hope that you all had a good summer break and that you are ready for the gentle stroll into the election period. Today's meeting of the Education Committee is our 18th in 2006. The main items on the agenda relate to a number of petitions; I will say more about them in a moment. Fiona Hyslop and Rosemary Byrne have indicated that they will be late.

It has been the committee's practice to take in private consideration of approach papers that have been drafted by the clerks, because that involves discussion of witnesses whom we may wish to call. Do members agree to take in private item 10, which is consideration of the committee's approach to scrutiny of the draft national plan for Gaelic?

Members indicated agreement.