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Chamber and committees

Edinburgh Tram (Line One) Bill Committee, 05 Dec 2005

Meeting date: Monday, December 5, 2005


Items in Private

The Convener (Jackie Baillie):

Good morning everyone. I welcome you all to the 24th meeting of the Edinburgh Tram (Line One) Bill Committee and what we believe will be our final oral evidence meeting on objections. Do not laugh; I intend to get through this today.

The first agenda item is consideration of items in private. With the conclusion of oral evidence taking, the committee will begin looking at the issues for its phase 1 consideration stage report. Given the volume of evidence that the committee has received, we have already agreed to consider papers drawing together evidence on a number of issues. It is my view that those papers are for discussion and, as they might not represent the final views of the committee, should be taken in private. Do members agree?

Members indicated agreement.

The Convener:

Thank you. The committee will then consider its phase 1 draft consideration stage report as well as its draft appropriate assessment report. Again, as those draft reports might not reflect the final view of the committee, it is my view that they should be considered in private. Do members agree?

Members indicated agreement.

Thank you. That concludes item 1.