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Language: English / GĂ idhlig

Chamber and committees

Local Government and Transport Committee, 24 Oct 2006

Meeting date: Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Subordinate Legislation

Local Governance (Scotland) Act 2004 (Severance Payments) Regulations 2006 (SSI 2006/471)<br />Local Government Pension Scheme (Scotland) Amendment (No 2) Regulations 2006 (SSI 2006/468)

The Convener:

Two Scottish statutory instruments are before us under agenda item 3. I declare an interest in that my wife, as a serving local authority councillor, may be affected by the provisions of both instruments.

On SSI 2006/471, we put the questions that were raised by Fergus Ewing to the Executive and its response has been circulated to members. The Subordinate Legislation Committee drew the instrument to our attention

"on the grounds of defective drafting, but not so as to affect the validity of the instrument."

That committee's report is included in our papers. There are no motions to annul. Do we agree that we have nothing to report?

Members indicated agreement.

The Convener:

On SSI 2006/468, no motions to annul have been lodged and no points have been raised by members. The Subordinate Legislation Committee drew the instrument to the attention of this committee, and the relevant extract from that committee's report is included with our papers. Do we agree that the committee has nothing to report on the regulations?

Members indicated agreement.