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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Chamber and committees

Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee

Meeting date: Tuesday, September 20, 2016


EU Reporter

The Convener

Item 6 is the appointment of an EU reporter. The reporter’s role is set out in paragraph 4 of paper ECCLR/S5/16/5/5, and in paragraph 5 an expanded role is proposed, given the need to report to the committee on issues arising from the Brexit vote that are relevant to our remit. If there are no comments on the paper, I invite nominations.

I nominate David Stewart.

I second that.

There are no other nominations. Does David Stewart accept the appointment?

Thank you, convener. Yes, I do, and I thank the committee for their faith. [Laughter.]

The Convener

Excellent. I am sure that you will do a very good job. We look forward to hearing from you on the subject.

At our next meeting, on 27 September, the committee will take evidence from the Committee on Climate Change’s adaptation sub-committee. As we agreed, we now move into private session. I ask that the public gallery be cleared, as the public part of the meeting is over.

12:05 Meeting continued in private until 13:04.