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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Chamber and committees

Local Government and Transport Committee, 07 Oct 2003

Meeting date: Tuesday, October 7, 2003


Subordinate Legislation

Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 (Ancillary Provision) Order 2003 (Draft)

I almost let the Minister for Finance and Public Services go before the last item on the agenda.

Yes. I was about to go. I am glad that we are all on the ball.

The Convener:


The fourth item on the agenda is subordinate legislation; the committee must deal with an instrument that is subject to affirmative procedure. The minister, Andy Kerr, is here to address the committee on the instrument. Christie Smith and Colin Cummins will again assist him.

The instrument is the draft Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 (Ancillary Provision) Order 2003. I apologise for my hoarseness, but I have a sore throat and my voice is starting to go. The order is laid under the affirmative procedure, so the minister is at the committee to move a motion on the instrument. We usually give members the opportunity to ask questions of the minister before he moves the motion. It is getting late and I suspect that members do not want to ask too many questions. I ask the minister to speak briefly to the instrument, then we will see whether members want to raise any questions.

Mr Kerr:

It would be good if members could ask any questions in the informal part of the discussion, because the order essentially makes a technical change to correct an omission and ensure that Scottish ministers have the power to make regulations. The order does not alter policy in any way, shape or form; it will enable us to make detailed regulations relating to local authority pension reserves. Both COSLA and the Local Authority (Scotland) Accounts Advisory Committee will be consulted on the draft order before they are laid before Parliament, but the draft order simply corrects a technical error.

As no members have any questions, I invite the minister to move formally the motion in his name.

Motion moved,

That the Local Government and Transport Committee recommends that the draft Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 (Ancillary Provision) Order 2003 be approved.—[Mr Andy Kerr.]

Motion agreed to.

Thank you very much, minister.

Meeting continued in private until 17:58.