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Language: English / GĂ idhlig

Chamber and committees

Local Government and Transport Committee, 07 Oct 2003

Meeting date: Tuesday, October 7, 2003


Item in private

The Convener (Bristow Muldoon):

I call to order the sixth meeting of the Local Government and Transport Committee in this session. The first thing that we have to consider is whether we wish to take item 5 in private. Item 5 will be a discussion of the outcome of evidence that we have taken as part of the budget process, so it will involve guidance to our advisers on areas that we want to cover in the report. Is it agreed that we consider that item in private?

Members indicated agreement.

The Convener:

I have apologies from David Mundell, and both Michael McMahon and Iain Smith have said that they will need to leave during the meeting for other business. I think that Michael McMahon will have to leave at around 3 o'clock and Iain Smith just before half past 4.