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Language: English / GĂ idhlig

Chamber and committees

Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee

Meeting date: Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Subordinate Legislation

Home Energy Assistance Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 2013 (SSI 2013/148)

The Convener

Item 3 on the agenda is a negative instrument on home energy efficiency. The regulations make provision for the making of grants to improve the thermal insulation and energy efficiency of dwellings and to provide advice to reduce or prevent the wastage of energy in a dwelling.

The Subordinate Legislation Committee determined that it did not need to draw the instrument to the attention of the Parliament. The committee is invited to consider any issues that it wishes to raise in reporting to Parliament on the instrument. Members should note that no motions to annul have been received.

Does the committee agree that it does not wish to make any recommendations in relation to the instrument?

Members indicated agreement.

That concludes our business in public. As previously agreed, we now move into private session.

11:32 Meeting continued in private until 12:03.  

