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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Chamber and committees

Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee

Meeting date: Wednesday, December 3, 2014



The Deputy Convener (Adam Ingram)

Welcome to the 28th meeting in 2014 of the Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee. I remind everyone to turn off their mobile phones, because they affect the broadcasting system. Some committee members might consult their tablets during the meeting, because committee papers are provided in digital format.

Under agenda item 1, I welcome James Dornan and Mike MacKenzie as new members of the committee and invite them to declare any relevant interests.

I refer members to my entry in the register of members’ interests.

I have nothing to declare, other than what is in my entry in the register of members’ interests.

I take this opportunity to thank Gordon MacDonald for his worthwhile contribution to the work of this committee and to wish him well in his new committee.