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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Chamber and committees

Local Government and Transport Committee, 14 Dec 2004

Meeting date: Tuesday, December 14, 2004


Railways Bill

The Convener:

Item 3 on the agenda will bring joy to members, as it relates to another Sewel motion. However, members will be pleased to know that we are not considering the motion at this stage.

I update members on the timetable for the Sewel motion on the Railways Bill. This is a new agenda item that was added to the original agenda that was circulated last Thursday. Members should have been alerted to it, as the revised agenda was distributed by e-mail and appears in the Business Bulletin.

Members will recall that, at the previous meeting of the committee, I promised to provide an update on the timetable for the Parliament's consideration of the Railways Bill Sewel motion. The clerks have contacted Executive officials, who have indicated that the timescale is still not clear. I have therefore written and spoken to the Minister for Transport. I have asked that we be given a swift response on the timescale that he anticipates for the lodging of the Sewel motion and the production of the Executive memorandum. I have also asked the minister whether, when the motion comes before the committee and he appears before us, he will be in a position to advise the committee on the proposed financial settlement.

Members will be aware that the motion and the memorandum have not yet been published. I suggest that it would be sensible for us to defer any decision on our approach to the Sewel motion until the information is available, as we are not in a position to make a judgment on the type of scrutiny that would be appropriate. However, I am keen that the committee should have sufficient time to scrutinise the proposals and, if necessary, to take evidence from relevant bodies that may have expertise, especially regarding the financial agreements that may be reached on the powers that we anticipate will be transferred to Scottish ministers. I have therefore asked the Minister for Transport to respond in advance of next week's meeting. Provided that he does so, I will update the committee further at that point.

Are members content with the approach that I have outlined?

Members indicated agreement.

Fergus Ewing:

I appreciate the approach that you are taking, convener, which seems to be reasonable. In particular, I appreciate the fact that you will update us further next week. However, given the complexity, technicality and importance of some of the issues with which we are dealing, could we request that the minister provide us with a written reply? That would allow us to have a fuller discussion. Would it be possible for the item to be put near the top of the agenda, so that our old brains are a bit fresher than they may be at 6.36 pm? I speak personally.

The Convener:

I was going to say, "Speak for yourself." I have written formally to the minister and the clerks have indicated to Executive officials that we would appreciate a response within a week, so that we can consider the issue further. That will be a written response. I hope that it will address all the points that I have raised.

I thank members for their endurance.

Meeting closed at 18:36.