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Language: English / GĂ idhlig

Chamber and committees

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Meeting date: Tuesday, May 30, 2023


European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018

Healthcare (International Arrangements) (EU Exit) Regulations 2023

The Convener

The next item on our agenda is consideration of a notification from the Scottish ministers in relation to the Healthcare (International Arrangements) (EU Exit) Regulations 2023, the purpose of which is to revoke the Healthcare (European Economic Area and Switzerland Arrangements) Act 2019 and make provisions to enable the functioning of existing and future reciprocal healthcare agreements. The regulations are a continuation of existing arrangements in relation to reciprocal healthcare agreements.

In this case, there is no statutory requirement for United Kingdom ministers to obtain the consent of the Scottish ministers before making the instrument, which contains provisions that are within devolved competence. In this instance, UK ministers have only an obligation to consult the Scottish ministers, as required by section 5 of the 2019 act. The committee is invited to note the provisions set out in the notification.

As members have no comments, is the committee content to note the provisions set out in the notification?

Members indicated agreement.

The Convener

At our meeting next week, we will undertake further scrutiny of NHS boards and continue our inquiry into female participation in sport and physical activity. That concludes the public part of our meeting.

11:32 Meeting continued in private until 12:06.