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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Chamber and committees

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Meeting date: Tuesday, April 18, 2023


Subordinate Legislation

Food Additives, Food Flavourings and Novel Foods (Authorisations) (Scotland) Regulations 2023 (SSI 2023/78)

The Deputy Convener

We will move straight to the next item, which is consideration of a negative instrument. I should have said before launching into this item that panel members are free to go, but they are, of course, also welcome to stay.

The purpose of the instrument is to authorise a new food additive, a new food flavouring and a new novel food to be placed on the market in Scotland. It also authorises new conditions of use and changes to the specification of an existing novel food. The policy note states that the Scottish statutory instrument

“aligns Scotland with England and Wales as well as with similar EU legislation for these products, all of which have now been authorised by the EU Commission.”

When the Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee considered the instrument at its meeting on 28 March 2023, it made no recommendations in relation to it, and no motion to annul has been received.

I invite comments from colleagues.

Emma Harper

I often talk about the instruments that we approve regarding food additives, food flavourings and novel foods; indeed, I am interested in the issue and I have mentioned it previously. I just want to raise awareness of it, because it is important that people are aware that novel foods exist. It is not just about eating insects—it is about additives, flavourings and food enhancing with dietary supplements. This instrument, for example, refers to vitamin D2 mushroom powder, which is an interesting dietary supplement, because of the claims that it can enhance focus, reduce anxiety and help people be calm. I just wanted to say that it is an interesting subject that is worth highlighting.

The Deputy Convener

Thank you.

As there are no further comments, does the committee agree that we do not wish to make any recommendations in relation to the negative instrument?

Members indicated agreement.

The Deputy Convener

At our next meeting, on 25 April, we will continue to take formal evidence as part of our inquiry into female participation in sport and physical activity, with a session focusing on media coverage, as previously trailed, and representation of women and girls in sport. That concludes the public part of our meeting.

10:51 Meeting continued in private until 11:16.