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Language: English / GĂ idhlig

Chamber and committees

Education, Children and Young People Committee [Draft]

Meeting date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024



Additional Support Needs (Funding) (PE1747)

The Convener

The next item on our agenda is consideration of petition PE1747, which is about adequate funding to support children with additional support needs in all Scottish schools. The committee had previously agreed to consider the issues raised in the petition as part of our work programme. During a subsequent discussion, the committee agreed to undertake an inquiry into additional support for learning, and we published our inquiry report in May this year. The Scottish Government responded to that report in July, and the committee will be holding a debate this afternoon on that subject, the report and its recommendations.

As members have no further comments to make about the petition, and given the work that the committee has already undertaken in this area, does the committee agree to close the petition?

Members indicated agreement.

Thank you very much. That is super.