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Chamber and committees

Social Justice and Social Security Committee

Inquiry into Child Poverty and Parental Employment


The Scottish Government has set out its plans to tackle child poverty.

Tackling child poverty is complex. The Government has provided some detail of its plans in the Best Start, Bright Futures - Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2022-2026.

There is a big emphasis in this plan on fair work as a route out of poverty and improving income from work is part of that. As Best Start Bright Futures states: "Work offers a sustainable route out of poverty for many families and has a strong role to play in a balanced approach to tackling poverty."

Focus of the inquiry

The Committee looked at how the Scottish Government is working with local authorities, employers and other partners. We wanted to understand how they are supporting parents find suitable jobs or move into better paid work.

Key themes of the inquiry included:

  • the Scottish Government’s ‘parental employment offer’ and the policies and delivery plans connected to it
  • local approaches and the extent to which they are targeted at those most at risk of poverty
  • employment needs
  • childcare needs
  • housing needs
  • transport needs

The Committee knew that some families face greater barriers than others. The Scottish Government has identified six ‘priority groups’. The Committee wanted to get a more detailed picture of issues specific groups face and what might work to support them. The priority groups included:

  • mothers aged under 25
  • minority ethnic families
  • lone parents
  • parents whose youngest child is under one
  • parents with three, or more, children
  • disabled family members

The Committee appreciated that different solutions may be needed in different parts of Scotland and wanted to understand how needs and required approaches might differ in rural and urban areas.

The Committee also wanted to focus on how best to support parents to increase their income from employment. The Committee recognised that this is only part of the picture, but wanted to hear about issues around in-work poverty, why some parents are working less than they would ideally like to and how the Government policy could help turn this around.

Your Views

The Committee ran a call for views to hear different perspectives on child poverty and parental employment.

The call for views closed on 5 April 2023.

Read the responses.

The Scottish Parliament Research Centre (SPICe) have produced a summary paper of the submissions received.



The Committee published its report, Addressing Child Poverty Through Parental Employment on 23 November 2023.

Read the report

The Scottish Government responded to the Committee's report on 22 January 2024. You can read the response at the following link:

Evidence sessions

25 May 2023

On 25 May 2023, the Committee held an evidence session focussing on affordable and flexible childcare policy. The Committee took evidence from:

  • Irene Audain, Chief Executive Officer, Scottish Out of School Care Network
  • Jonathan Broadbery, Director of Policy and Communications, National Day Nurseries Association
  • Graeme McAlister, Chief Executive, Scottish Childminding Association
  • Matthew Sweeney, Policy Manager, Children and Young People, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA)

Read the agenda and meeting papers, 25 May 2023

Read the meeting minutes, 25 May 2023

Read the Official Report of the meeting, 25 May 2023

Following the meeting on 25 May, the Scottish Out of School Care Network provided some additional information.

8 June 2023

On 8 June 2023, the Committee held an evidence session focussing on affordable and flexible childcare delivery. The Committee took evidence from:

  • Beverley Isdale, Chief Executive, First 4 Kids
  • Susan McGhee, Chief Executive, Flexible Childcare Services Scotland
  • Rami Okasha, Chief Executive Officer, Children's Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS)
  • Kirsty Ramage, Project Leader, Bellsbank Project

Read the agenda and meeting papers, 8 June 2023

Read the meeting minutes, 8 June 2023

Read the Official Report of the meeting, 8 June 2023

15 June 2023

On 15 June 2023, the Committee held evidence sessions focussing on education and training and on employability programmes. The Committee took evidence from:

  • Kenny Anderson, Director, Scottish Wider Access Programme
  • Jackie Galbraith, Principal and Chief Executive Officer of West Lothian College, Colleges Scotland
  • Sharon McIntyre, Head of Career Information Advice and Guidance Operations, Skills Development Scotland
  • Keith Robson, Senior Public Affairs Manager, The Open University, Universities Scotland

and then from:

  • Marion Davis, Director of Policy, Communication and Strategy, One Parent Families Scotland
  • Sarah McCulley, Falkirk Council Representative, Scottish Local Authorities' Economic Development (SLAED)
  • David Stewart, Regional Development Manager, Fedcap Scotland
  • Philip Whyte, Director, Institute for Public Policy Research Scotland

Read the agenda and meeting papers, 15 June 2023

Read the meeting minutes, 15 June 2023

Read the Official Report of the meeting, 15 June 2023

Following the meeting on 15 June, Universities Scotland, Fedcap Scotland and the Institute for Public Policy Research provided some additional information.

22 June 2023

On 22 June 2023, the Committee held evidence sessions focussing on fair and family friendly working. The Committee took evidence from:

  • Jack Evans, Senior Policy Advisor (Scotland), Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Lynn Houmdi, Co-Creator and Programme Manager, Making Work Work, The Challenges Group Founder, Flexible Working Scotland
  • Nikki Slowey, Director and Co-Founder, Flexibility Works
  • Jane van Zyl, Chief Executive Officer, Working Families
  • Marek Zemanik, Senior Public Policy Advisor, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

and then from:

  • Andrea Bradley, General Secretary, Educational Institute of Scotland, Scottish Trades Union Congress
  • Karen Hedge, Deputy Chief Executive, Scottish Care
  • Louisa Macdonell, Scotland Director, Business in the Community

Read the meeting minutes, 22 June 2023

Read the Official Report of the meeting, 22 June 2023

Following the meeting on 22 June, Flexibility Works provided some additional information.

29 June 2023

On 29 June 2023, the Committee held an evidence session with employers focussing on examples of good practice. The Committee took evidence from:

  • Helen Herd, Head of Human Resources and Rachel Hunter, Director of Enterprise Support, Highlands and Islands Enterprise
  • Harvey Tilley, Chief Operating Officer and Heather Melville-Hume, Senior HR Manager, Independent Living Fund Scotland
  • Andy Wood, People Services Lead, The Wheatley Group

Read the agenda and meeting papers, 29 June 2023

Read the meeting minutes, 29 June 2023

Read the Official Report of the meeting, 29 June 2023

7 September 2023

On 7 September 2023, the Committee held an evidence session with employers focussing on transport. The Committee took evidence from:

  • Paul Finch, Strategy Manager, Nestrans and Vice Chair for Transportation, Society of Chief Officers of Transportation in Scotland (SCOTS)
  • Mick Hogg, Regional Organiser, National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT)
  • Paul White, Director, Confederation of Passenger Transport (CPT) Scotland

Read the agenda and meeting papers, 7 September 2023

Read the meeting minutes, 7 September 2023

Read the Official Report of the meeting, 7 September 2023

14 September 2023

On 14 September 2023, the Committee held an evidence session with the Scottish Government. The Committee took evidence from:

  • Shirley-Anne Somerville, Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice
  • Natalie Don, Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping the Promise
  • Graeme Dey, Minister for Higher and Further Education; and Minister for Veterans
  • Neil Gray, Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Fair Work and Energy
  • Jane Duffy, Unit Head, Post School Qualifications
  • Matthew Farrell, Head of Strategy, Finance and Performance
  • Julie Humphreys, Deputy Director, Tackling Child Poverty and Financial Wellbeing
  • Ann McKenzie, Unit Head, Tackling Child Poverty Policy Unit
  • Aidan Grisewood, Interim Director, Economic Strategy

Read the agenda and meeting papers, 14 September 2023

Read the meeting minutes, 14 September 2023

Read the Official Report of the meeting, 14 September 2023


On Tuesday 23 August 2022 we visited Rutherglen to hear some initial views on this issue. What we heard is summarised in the following note: 

The Committee asked for views from Local Employability Partnerships. We received the following 5 responses:

On 13 January 2023, the Committee undertook a visit in North Ayrshire where it met with Local Employability Partnership members, delivery organisations, parents and employers. What we heard is summarised in the following note:

On 19 and 20 January 2023, the Committee visited Benbecula and Uist where it met with local infrastructure organisations and service delivery partners, parents, employers and teachers.


Autumn 2022

We gathered information from Local Employability Partnerships and attended a focus group on employability programmes hosted by the Glasgow Local Employability Partnership. 

January 2023

In January 2023 we undertook visits to North Ayrshire and Uist.

February to April 2023

The Committee ran a national call for views to hear the views of people across Scotland and was interested in hearing the views and experience of individuals, employers and organisations who provide support.

Post-Spring 2023

Hold evidence sessions

Autumn 2023

Report findings


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