Letter to the Convener from the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Islands, Mairi Gougeon, on 9 December 2021
Dear Finlay,
I refer to the letter dated 4 November 2021 setting out the Committee’s approach to budget scrutiny over Session 6 and my interim response to the letter dated 3 December 2021.
In response to the questions raised by Committee, I have reiterated below the original response to the first two queries raised and provided a further, more detailed response, to the third point raised on the funding commitment:
The expected date for publication of the National Islands Plan annual report 2021 is 23 March 2022.
The report on the operation of the Act will be published no later than 6 July 2022.
As you are aware, budgets are allocated annually and it would not be appropriate to forecast future expenditure under the £30 million islands fund in future years outwith the agreed budget processes. However, it is worth noting that £30 million will be allocated over five years.
During the 2021/22 financial year, we delivered £9.5 million of the £30 million capital funding through three key strands; the Islands Infrastructure Fund, the Island Communities Fund and the Healthy Islands Fund.
Whilst still subject to Ministerial approval, we are carefully considering proposals for award and delivery for 2022/23 and I would be happy to update you once this process is complete. However, the allocation for the forthcoming year is £4 million, leaving just over half of the remaining £30 million to be allocated in future years.
The draft criteria and objectives of the Islands Programme for 2022/23 are currently being considered and will be informed by guidance and monitoring by the Islands Programme Board.
I trust the above answers the Committee queries, however, should you require any further information please let me know.
Yours sincerely,
Mairi Gougeon
Rural Affairs and Islands Committee
Letter from the Convener to the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Islands, Mairi Gougeon, in relation to the 2022/23 Scottish Government draft budget on 4 November 2021
Rural Affairs and Islands Committee
Letter to the Convener from the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Islands, Mairi Gougeon, about the 2022/23 Scottish Government draft budget, 3 December 2021