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Chamber and committees

Public Audit Committee

Minutes: 29 February 2024

Thursday, 29 February 2024

7th Meeting, 2024

Start time: 09:00am
Location: T1.60-CR4 The Clerk Maxwell Room
Published: Thursday, 29 February 2024


1. Decision on taking business in private:

The Committee agreed to take items 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in private.

2. The 2022/23 audit of NHS Forth Valley:

The Committee took evidence from—

Amanda Croft, Chief Executive, Janie McCusker, Chair, Andrew Murray, Medical Director, Kevin Reith, Director of Human Resources and Professor Frances Dodd, Executive Nurse Director, NHS Forth Valley.

3. Decarbonising heat in homes:

The Committee took evidence from—

Stephen Boyle, Auditor General for Scotland, Cornilius Chikwama, Audit Director and Derek Hoy, Audit Manager, Audit Scotland.

4. Decarbonising heat in homes (In Private):

The Committee agreed not to take any further evidence in private.

5. The 2022/23 audit of NHS Forth Valley (In Private):

The Committee considered the evidence heard at agenda item 2 and took further evidence from—

Stephen Boyle, Auditor General for Scotland and Leigh Johnston, Senior Manager, Audit Scotland;

Rebbecca McConnachie, Senior Manager, Deloitte LLP.

6. The 2022/23 audit of NHS Forth Valley (In Private):

The Committee considered the evidence heard at agenda items 2 and 5 and agreed to consider its next steps once follow-up written information from NHS Forth Valley has been received.

7. Decarbonising heat in homes (In Private):

The Committee considered the evidence heard at agenda item 3 and agreed to invite the Scottish Government to give oral evidence at a future meeting.

8. Work programme (In Private):

The Committee agreed to consider its work programme in private at the meeting on Thursday 7 March 2024.

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