Meeting Agenda
Graham Simpson will be invited to declare any relevant interests.
The Committee will decide whether to take agenda items 4, 5 and 6 in private.
The Committee will take evidence from—
Roy Brannen, Director-General Net Zero, Scottish Government
Kersti Berge, Director of Energy and Climate Change, Scottish Government
Phil Raines, Deputy Director, Domestic Climate Change, Scottish Government
Paper 1 Climate Change posted 04/09/2023 (Ref: PA/S6/23/21/1, 1MB, pdf)
PA/S6/23/21/2(P) (Private Paper)
The Committee will consider the evidence heard at agenda item 3 and take further evidence from—
Stephen Boyle, Auditor General for Scotland
Sally Thompson, Senior Manager, Audit Scotland
The Committee will consider the evidence heard at agenda items 3 and 4 and agree any further action it wishes to take.
The Committee will consider its work programme.
PA/S6/23/21/3(P) (Private Paper)