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Chamber and committees

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Minutes: 07 May 2024

Tuesday, 07 May 2024

16th Meeting, 2024

Start time: 09:02am
Location: T4.40-CR2 The Fairfax Somerville Room
Published: Wednesday, 08 May 2024


1. Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill:

The Committee considered the Bill at Stage 2 (Day 1).

The following amendments were agreed to (without division): 94, 95, 96, 97, 138, 139 and 189. 

The following amendments were agreed to (by division): 

136 (by division: For 6, Against 0, Abstentions 1) 

137 (by division: For 6, Against 0, Abstentions 1) 

The following amendments were disagreed to (by division): 

92 (by division: For 3, Against 4, Abstentions 0) 

93 (by division: For 3, Against 4, Abstentions 0) 

133 (by division: For 3, Against 4, Abstentions 0) 

135 (by division: For 3, Against 4, Abstentions 0) 

137A (by division: For 2, Against 4, Abstentions 1) 

211 (by division: For 3, Against 4, Abstentions 0) 

140 (by division: For 3, Against 4, Abstentions 0) 

3 (by division: For 3, Against 4, Abstentions 0) 

80 (by division: For 2, Against 5, Abstentions 0) 

190 (by division: For 3, Against 4, Abstentions 0) 

The following amendments were moved and, no member having objected, withdrawn: 1 and 141. 

The following amendments were not moved: 131, 132, 181, 182, 208, 209, 210, 183, 98, 134, 184, 185, 122, 212, 99, 123, 186, 213, 187, 188 and 2.


The following provisions were agreed to without amendment: Sections 2, 3 and 4.

The following provisions were agreed to as amended: Sections 1 and 5.

The Committee ended consideration of the Bill for the day section 5 having been agreed to and amendment 190 having been disposed of. 

Edward Mountain declared an interest as a Partner in Delfur Farms Farming Partnership, of Moray, a farming business with ancillary residential lettings. 

Douglas Lumsden declared an interest as a former Councillor for Aberdeen City Council.

Jackie Dunbar declared an interest as a former Councillor for Aberdeen City Council.

Monica Lennon indicated she is Convener of the Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Construction. 

Sarah Boyack declared she is a Member of Friends of the Earth Scotland.


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