Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee
29th Meeting, 2023
The Convener welcomed Jim Fairlie, attending as a substitute for Jackie Dunbar, and invited him to declare any relevant interests.
Jim Fairlie indicated that he is a former member of the National Farmers Union Scotland.
The Committee agreed to take items 5, 6 and 7 in private.
The Committee took evidence from—
David Tydeman, Chief Executive Officer and Andrew Miller, Chairman, Ferguson Marine (Port Glasgow) Ltd.
The Committee considered the following—
Scotland’s Guiding Principles on the Environment (SG 2023/162)
The Committee agreed to make no recommendations in relation to the document.
The Committee considered the responses it received from stakeholders regarding their views on Scotland’s Guiding Principles on the Environment: Statutory Guidance (SG 2023/162) and the Scottish Government's recent report on the Effectiveness of Environmental Governance Arrangements.
The Committee agreed—
The Committee considered the evidence it heard earlier under agenda item 3 and agreed to write to Ferguson Marine (Port Glasgow) Ltd., the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and the Scottish Government.
The Committee agreed to seek approval from the Parliamentary Bureau for the appointment of an adviser on climate change and net zero.
The Committee considered the evidence it heard at its meeting on 3 October 2023 under agenda item 4.