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Chamber and committees

Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee

Minutes: 20 December 2022

Tuesday, 20 December 2022

34th Meeting, 2022

Start time: 09:48am
Location: T4.40-CR2 The Fairfax Somerville Room
Published: Tuesday, 20 December 2022


1. Decisions on taking business in private:

The Committee agreed to take items 4, 5 and 6 in private.

The Committee agreed to take in private at future meetings—

  • Consideration of its approach to its scrutiny into the Outcomes of the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15)
  • Consideration of a draft report on the role of local government and its cross-sectoral partners in financing and delivering a net-zero Scotland

2. Climate Change Committee’s Review of Scottish Emissions Targets and Progress Report 2022:

The Committee took evidence from—

The Rt Hon. the Lord Deben, Chairman, Professor Keith Bell, Scotland Champion, Marili Boufounou, Analyst, Devolved Administrations and Emily Nurse, Team Leader, Carbon Budgets, Climate Change Committee.

In relation to agriculture, land use and heat in buildings, Edward Mountain declared an interest as a Partner in Delfur Farms Farming Partnership, a farming business with ancillary residential lettings.

3. Subordinate legislation:

The Committee considered the following negative instrument—

Public Service Vehicles (Registration of Local Services) (Provision of Service Information) (Scotland) Regulations 2022 (SSI 2022/358)

The Committee agreed to make no recommendations in relation to the instrument.

4. Climate Change Committee’s Review of Scottish Emissions Targets and Progress Report 2022 (in private):

The Committee considered the evidence it heard earlier under agenda item 2.

5. Joint Review of Budget as it relates to climate change (in private):

The Committee considered a draft letter to the Scottish Government.

The letter was agreed to.

6. Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill (UK Parliament legislation) (in private):

The Committee considered a draft report on Legislative Consent Memorandum LCM-S6-23.

Various changes were agreed to. The Committee agreed to delegate to the Convener responsibility for finalising the draft report for publication.

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