Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee
4th Meeting, 2023
Ruth Maguire was invited to declare any relevant interests and confirmed she had none to declare.
The Committee agreed to take items 3 and 4 in private.
The Committee took evidence from—
Ailsa Raeburn, Chair, Community Land Scotland;
Rob Dickson, Director of Industry and Destination Development, VisitScotland;
Professor Cliff Hague, Chartered Town Planner and Chair, Cockburn Association;
Gillian McNaught, Legal Manager, Licensing and Democratic Services, Glasgow City Council;
Gary Somers, Solicitor, Licensing, Highland Council;
and then from—
Fiona Campbell, Chief Executive, Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers;
Julia Amour, Director, Festivals Edinburgh.
The Committee considered the evidence heard earlier in the meeting.
The Committee reviewed its work programme.