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Chamber and committees

Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee

Local Governance Review - 15 November 2021

Letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy from the Convener – 15 November 2021

Dear Kate,

Local Governance Review

The Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee took evidence from the Deputy First Minister at its meeting on 2 November on the Local Governance Review.

At that meeting the Committee raised two questions with the Deputy First Minister that he suggested would be more appropriately addressed to you.

The Committee therefore agreed to write to you highlighting these issues.

Firstly, the committee would be grateful if you could provide it with an update on the discussions with local government on the development of a rules based fiscal framework.

And secondly, the Committee is keen to understand whether the publication of the UK Government’s multiyear spending review will enable the Scottish Government to publish multiyear settlements for local government. It should be noted that the Committee has also raised this issue in its pre-budget letter.

I look forward to hearing from you and request a response by 10 December 2021.
Yours sincerely

Ariane Burgess MSP
Convener, Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee