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Chamber and committees

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Agenda: 20 February 2024

Tuesday, 20 February 2024

5th Meeting, 2024

Start time: 09:00am
Location: TG.60-CR3 The Fleming Room
Agenda items: Decisions on taking business in private, Subordinate legislation, Post-legislative scrutiny of the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013, National Care Service (Scotland) Bill (in private), Subordinate legislation, Post-legislative scrutiny of the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013, Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill
Agenda published: Thursday, 15 February 2024 12:03pm

Full agenda and available meeting papers

1. Decisions on taking business in private

The Committee will decide whether to take items 5, 6 and 7 in private and whether its briefing session with Scottish Government officials on the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill on 27 February be taken in private.

3. Post-legislative scrutiny of the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013

The Committee will take evidence from individuals who have participated in its informal engagement workstreams on the Bill, firstly from—

  • Becs Barker
    Social care providers workstream
  • Michael Collier
    Social care providers workstream
  • Peter McDonnell
    Social work staff workstream
  • Ryan Murray
    Social care staff workstream
  • Lucy McDonald
    Individuals workstream
  • Ann Marie Penman
    Carers workstream
  • Julia Smith
    Individuals workstream
  • Dr Pauline Nolan
    Head of Policy and Engagement
    Inclusion Scotland

4. National Care Service (Scotland) Bill (in private)

The Committee will consider a revised draft Stage 1 report.

Papers for this item:

1 private paper will be discussed during this agenda item

5. Subordinate legislation

The Committee will consider a draft report on the Community Care (Personal Care and Nursing Care) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2024 [draft]

Papers for this item:

1 private paper will be discussed during this agenda item

6. Post-legislative scrutiny of the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013

The Committee will consider the evidence it heard earlier under agenda item 3.

7. Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill

The Committee will consider its approach to the scrutiny of the Bill at Stage 1.

Papers for this item:

1 private paper will be discussed during this agenda item