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Chamber and committees

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Agenda: 12 March 2024

Tuesday, 12 March 2024

8th Meeting, 2024

Start time: 09:15am
Location: T4.60-CR6 The Livingstone Room
Agenda items: Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill, Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill (in private)
Agenda published: Thursday, 07 March 2024 03:33pm

Full agenda and available meeting papers

1. Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill

The Committee will take evidence on the Bill at Stage 1 from those who are against the introduction of safe access zones (panel 1) and on the human rights considerations (panel 2), from—

  • Alina Dulgheriu
  • Isabel Vaughan-Spruce
  • Margaret Akers
    Services Coordinator
    Society for the Protection of Unborn Children in Scotland
  • Bishop John Keenan
    Vice-President of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland and Bishop of Paisley
  • Dr Mark Pickering
    Chief Executive
    Christian Medical Fellowship
  • Reverend Stephen Allison
    Public Engagement Coordinator
    The Free Church of Scotland
  • Eilidh Dickson
    Policy and International Officer
    Scottish Human Rights Commission
  • Rob Gowans
    Policy and Public Affairs Manager
    Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE)
  • Dr Catriona McMillan
    former Convener of the Health and Medical Law Sub-Committee
    Law Society of Scotland

Papers for this item:

3 private papers will be discussed during this agenda item

2. Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill (in private)

The Committee will consider the evidence it heard earlier under agenda item 1.