Health, Social Care and Sport Committee
34th Meeting, 2023
Ruth Maguire was invited to declare any relevant interests and indicated she had nothing to declare.
The Committee agreed to take item 4 in private.
The Committee took evidence from—
Professor Emily Banks, Head, Centre of Epidemiology for Policy and Practice, Australian National University and Visiting Professor, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford;
Professor John Britton, Emeritus Professor of Epidemiology, University of Nottingham;
Sheila Duffy, Chief Executive, ASH Scotland;
Dr Garth Reid, Consultant in Public Health, Public Health Scotland.
Emma Harper declared an interest as a Co-Convener of the Cross-Party Parliamentary Group on Lung Health.
Sandesh Gulhane declared an interest as a practising NHS GP.
The Committee considered the evidence it heard earlier under agenda item 3.
The Committee agreed to consider a draft letter to the Scottish Government on vaping policy at a future meeting.