Health, Social Care and Sport Committee
12th Meeting, 2023
The Committee agreed to take items 5, 6 and 7 in private.
The Committee took evidence from—
Pamela Dudek, Chief Executive, NHS Highland;
Jane Grant, Chief Executive, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde;
Gordon James, Chief Executive, Golden Jubilee Hospital.
The Committee took evidence from—
Dr Mairi Stark, Scottish Officer, Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health;
Rona Blackwood, Head of Programmes, Children's Parliament;
Eilidh Paterson, Inclusion & Culture Development Coordinator, Scottish Student Sport.
The Committee considered the following negative instrument— Genetically Modified Food and Feed (Authorisations and Modifications of Authorisations) (Scotland) Regulations 2023
The Committee agreed to make no recommendations in relation to the instrument.
The Committee considered the evidence it heard earlier under agenda item 2.
The Committee considered the evidence it heard earlier under agenda item 3.
The Committee considered its future work programme.