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Chamber and committees

Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Invitation to Dr Veronikis - Written Evidence

Letter to Dr Veronikis from Convener inviting him to give written evidence to the Committee, 14 September 2021

Dear Dr Veronikis,

Invitation to give written evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

I am writing to you in my capacity as Convener of the Scottish Parliament’s Health, Social Care and Sport Committee.

The Committee is currently considering the Transvaginal Mesh Removal (Cost Reimbursement) (Scotland) Bill. The Bill is very narrow in scope and seeks to refund individuals who have paid for private surgery to remove transvaginal mesh from their body.

We are aware that contracts have been awarded to Spire Health Care in Bristol and the Mercy Hospital in Missouri America, where you perform surgery, to carry out mesh removal where patients wish it to take place outside of the NHS. We understand that a number of individuals affected by transvaginal mesh have travelled to you for mesh removal surgery and a number of individuals have also already entered into private arrangements with you for future mesh removal surgery.

To assist the Committee in its scrutiny of the Bill, it would be extremely useful to receive written evidence from you in light of your specific experience of providing mesh removal surgery to patients included within the scope of this legislation.

Specifically, the Committee would like to understand the following:

• How many individuals from Scotland have travelled to you for mesh removal surgery so far?
• How many individuals from Scotland have already entered into private arrangements with you for future mesh removal surgery?
• When do you anticipate surgeries to start taking place under the new contract with the NHS?
• Can you provide an estimate on how many more individuals will come forward to use your services under the new contract with the NHS?
• We understand that removal surgery can be different for every individual, but can you provide an average cost for complete mesh removal?
• Can you give us some indication on what makes the surgery so complex or specialised?
• In your opinion, is it possible that individuals may require any other physical or mental health treatment related to their transvaginal mesh or mesh removal?
• Does the average cost of the surgery also cover the treatment of other conditions or circumstances that arise either prior to, in the course of surgery, or post-operatively?< • Does the cost cover post-operative care and support, and if so, for how long?

Since the Committee is working to a relatively short timetable for consideration and eventual adoption of the Bill, I would appreciate a written response from you no later than 13 October 2021. I would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely
Gillian Martin MSP
Convener, Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Associated bill

Transvaginal Mesh Removal (Cost Reimbursement) (Scotland) Bill