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Chamber and committees

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Public Administration - invitation to give evidence

Letter from the Convener to the Former Permanent Secretary, Scottish Government of 27 January 2022

Dear Ms Evans

As you will be aware, public administration is a key part of this Committee’s remit and, as you depart your role as Permanent Secretary to the Scottish Government, the Committee is keen to learn from and explore your experiences gained in that role. We would therefore wish to invite you to give evidence to the Committee on your insights and reflections.

This evidence session would focus on broad issues within the Committee’s public administration remit including, but not limited to, how the Scottish Government functions, the capacity and capability of the civil service in Scotland, the culture of the organisation, how policies are developed and implemented, as well as future challenges.

Our intention would be to also hear from your successor in due course as part of our ongoing oversight of public administration matters

We would very much welcome meeting with you at your earliest convenience and would therefore seek confirmation as to whether you would be available on the morning of Tuesday 22 February, or Tuesday 3 March, to give evidence to the Committee on these matters.

Yours sincerely

Kenneth Gibson MSP
Finance and Public Administration Committee