Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee
4th Meeting, 2023
The Committee agreed to take item 4 in private.
The Committee heard evidence from—
Farah Farzana, Race Equality Mainstreaming Officer, CEMVO Scotland;
Danny Boyle, Senior Parliamentary and Policy Officer, BEMIS;
Jatin Haria, Executive Director, CRER.
The Committee heard evidence, in a roundtable format, from—
Pinar Aksu, Human Rights and Advocacy Coordinator, Maryhill Integration Network;
Graham O'Neill, Policy Manager, Scottish Refugee Council;
Pervin Ahmad, Strategic Development Manager, Saheliya;
Mariam Ahmed, Chief Executive Officer, AMINA - Muslim Women's Resource Centre.
The Committee considered the evidence it heard under agenda items 2 and 3.
The Committee considered correspondence from The Rt Hon Alister Jack, Secretary of State for Scotland, UK Government and agreed to write to the Chair of the Women and Equalities Committee.