Education, Children and Young People Committee
24th Meeting, 2024
Jackie Dunbar and Gillian Mackay were invited to declare any relevant interests.
Jackie Dunbar declared that she has no relevant interests.
Gillian Mackay declared that she has no relevant interests.
The Committee considered the following continued petition— Adequate funding to support children with additional support needs in all Scottish Schools.
The Committee agreed to close Petition PE01747.
The Committee heard evidence on the Bill at Stage 1 from—
Gillian Hamilton, Chief Executive and Janie McManus, His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education for Scotland, Education Scotland ;
Fiona Robertson, Chief Executive, Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA);
and then from—
Anne Keenan, Assistant Secretary, Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS);
Graham Hutton, General Secretary, School Leaders Scotland (SLS);
Laurence Findlay, Director of Education and Children’s Services, Aberdeenshire Council, representing the Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES);
Stuart Hunter, President, Scottish Secondary Teachers Association (SSTA).
The Committee considered the evidence it heard earlier under agenda item 3.
The Committee considered and agreed its work programme.