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Chamber and committees

Education, Children and Young People Committee

Minutes: 02 March 2022

Wednesday, 02 March 2022

7th Meeting, 2022

Start time: 09:00am
Location: TG.40-CR1 The Burns Room
Published: Friday, 04 March 2022


1. Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Bill:

The Committee heard evidence on the Bill at Stage 1 from—

David Belsey, Assistant Secretary, Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS);

Matthew Sweeney, Policy Manager - Children and Young People, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA);

Alastair Sim, Director, Universities Scotland;

John Edward, Director, Scottish Council of Independent Schools;

Diane Stockton, Consultant in Public Health, Public Health Scotland;

Paul Little, Vice-Chair of the College Principals Group, Colleges Scotland;

and then from—

Megan Farr, Policy Officer, Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland;

Liam Fowley, Vice Chair, the Board, Scottish Youth Parliament.

2. Work programme(In Private) :

Work programme (in private): The Committee considered its work programme.

The Committee agreed the approach to its inquiry on college regionalisation.

The Committee agreed to invite Professor Ken Muir to give oral evidence on his report on Education Reform.

The Committee considered a draft letter to the Scottish Government regarding the OECD report on Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence. It also considered two alternative versions of the letter, the first containing draft amendments proposed by Kaukab Stewart prior to the meeting; the second containing draft amendments proposed by Bob Doris during the meeting.

Oliver Mundell proposed that the Committee agree to the letter including amendments proposed by Kaukab Stewart prior to the meeting.

 The proposal was disagreed to: For 4 (Stephen Kerr, Oliver Mundell, Michael Marra, Willie Rennie); Against 6 (Kaukab Stewart, Stephanie Callaghan, Bob Doris, James Dornan, Fergus Ewing, Ross Greer)

Bob Doris proposed that the version of the letter proposed by him at the meeting be agreed to.

The proposal was agreed to: For 6 (Kaukab Stewart, Stephanie Callaghan, Bob Doris, James Dornan, Fergus Ewing, Ross Greer); Against: 4 (Stephen Kerr, Oliver Mundell, Michael Marra, Willie Rennie)

3. Evidence Session (In Private) :

The Committee agreed to defer consideration of the evidence it heard earlier under agenda item 1.

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