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Chamber and committees

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

Letter from Convenier to the Treasury

Letter from Convener to the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, 2 February 2022

Dear Mr Clarke

Further to my Committee’s pre-budget scrutiny report, which focused on the Scottish Government’s culture spend, it is our understanding that there remains uncertainty over the transfer of outstanding COVID-related Barnett consequentials. 

As we noted in our report, the Scottish Government stated on 22 August 2021 that they were “still awaiting clarity from HM Treasury on why the additional £40m of culture consequentials, which were announced as part of the £300m uplift to the Culture Recovery Fund in the UK Budget in March 2021, have not yet been passed on.”

Furthermore, in evidence to us last month (20 January 2022), the Scottish Government referred to “continuing uncertainty over whether the UK Treasury will transfer the outstanding culture consequentials”.

We would be grateful if you are able to clarify the situation for us.

Yours sincerely

Clare Adamson MSP, Convener of the Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee