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Chamber and committees

Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee

Expert Advisory Group on Migration and Population Seventh Report

Letter from Minister for Culture, Europe and International Development to the Convener, 12 October 2021

Dear Convener

I am writing to update the Committee on the work of the Scottish Government’s independent Expert Advisory Group on Migration and Population.

The Group’s seventh report, on family migration was published on 12th October 2021.

The report looks at the role of families in the migration and settlement decisions that people make, the current policy frameworks in place to support families who migrate to Scotland and the numbers of migrant families living in Scotland.  The report also has ten recommendations on how to improve family migration policy to make a positive difference at a UK, Scottish and local level and the Scottish Government will consider these points in due course.

The report is available at the following link:

This is the last report published under the current EAG membership. I intend for the EAG to continue to exist going forward and I will write to the Committee to update on any decisions in the coming months about the future membership of the group.

Jenny Gilruth
Minister for Culture, Europe and International Development